Salou Pilates Studio
Training the body, taking care of the mindSpecialized Center in Pilates and Yoga Methods
Our activity is oriented to improve the quality of life, posture, joint mobility, breathing, the abdominal center and tone the muscles, working in unity body and mind.
We always adapt to your needs and your rhythm.
The Pilates Method:
It is a physical and mental training system created by Joseph Hubertus Pilates, who devised it based on his knowledge of different disciplines, uniting dynamism and muscular strength with mental control, breathing and relaxation.
The method focuses on the development of internal muscles to maintain body balance and give stability and firmness to the spine, making it widely used as rehabilitation therapy.
The Yoga:
It means “union”. This union refers, on the one hand, to “union with oneself”, and, on the other, to the union of the individual with the Cosmos. It is a system of techniques and physical and psychic disciplines that allow the individual to discover their true nature and experience this union with the All or “I Am”.
Activities and Services:
- Pilates Studio (Reformer, Cadillac and Chair)
- Pilates Mat -Yoga
- Pregnancy Pilates
- Kidpilates
- Air Yoga-pilates
- Custom Workouts
- Sup Pilates / Sup Yoga
- Hippressives
- Holistic Therapies
- Diet and nutrition